Sunday, October 27, 2013

Yay for Boogie Wipes!! **GIVEAWAY**

By now, you all know that I'm an ambassador for Boogie Wipes. For those of you who don't know, my job as a Saline Ambassador is to get the word out to as many people as possible so that everyone learns about Boogie Wipes. Being a Saline Ambassador allows me to bring you great giveaways. This quarter's box comes at the perfect time. It's the beginning of cold and flu season, and I now have 3 additional people in my house. I am now fully stocked, and ready to face the season!

Here is what I have to offer for a prize pack this quarter:
Grape Scented Boogie Wipes
Fresh Scent Boogie Wipes
Puffs Fresh Faces Vicks scent
Puffs Fresh Faces unscented
2-in-1 conditioning shampoo
Grape scented Saline Mist
stuffed Boogs!

The Saline Mist is new to the pack, and I'm not too fond of things like that, but it might come in handy with the toddlers.

For now, this is the prize pack. I will run the contest until November 1st, 12:00 Midnight EST. One winner will take all the above home.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, October 20, 2013

**REVIEW** Custom iPhone case

One of the most recent items I have been able to review has been a custom cell phone case for Anthony's iPhone from It's something that I really looked forward to, because I was able to play around and find a picture that I liked and that he would like. One that he would be excited to show off. One that he wouldn't mind using around his friends and his job. So, naturally, I chose one of our kids. I chose their first day of school pic. I love the way Gianna was looking up in adoration towards her siblings. They all looked so happy, and so so adorable!

Using the website was super easy. All I needed to do was click on the iPhone 4/4s link, and from there, I clicked on the big purple button that says "start". From there, it walks you through what you need to do. You can either upload a picture directly from your computer, or you can click the buttons to choose any of your pictures from Facebook or Instagram. You can choose your photo, then choose whether you want it in greyscale, sepia, vintage, or leave it the way it is. I chose to leave the picture the way it was. But I did play around to see what it would look like in the other options. I decided that the original was the best option.

After deciding which picture you want to use, and the color/setting, you just click on Order Case. Enter your name, address, and number, and check out. Your case will ship out within 2 business days (Monday through Friday).

While I loved how easy the website was to navigate, and how easy it was to order, I am a little disappointed in the quality of the case. The picture is a bit darker on the case than it is supposed to be. It's also not as high up, so the phone isn't as well protected as it would be with other cases.

As you can see in the pictures, it leaves ample room for plugs and buttons. The sides and the back are well protected, and have held up wonderfully. My husband has dropped the phone a few times with the case on. However, if he were to drop the phone on the screen, then there really is no protection. Since the case doesn't come up high enough, if it were to fall face down, the screen could likely crack. Since taking these pictures, my husband dropped the phone again, and it actually cracked the corner of the case. It is no longer usable, as it keeps coming off. 

Would I recommend this case to anyone? Absolutely. He received many compliments on it, and it did a great job of protecting the sides and back. I am sure that if he hadn't dropped his phone so often, or if Gianna didn't get her hands on it, the case would have lasted a lot longer. At only $20, it's a lot cheaper than other custom cases we have come across. It would make a great gift at that price. 

From now until November 15, use the code LIOL20 to receive 20% off your order from Have fun creating your case, and enjoy showing it off to all of your friends and family! Remember, they make great gifts, so be sure to order a few! 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

**REVIEW** The Tattoo Pill

Have you ever heard of The Tattoo Pill? Well, they are exactly what it sounds like. If you like tattoos, you may be interested in looking into this product.

What The Tattoo Pill is, is a pill packed full of vitamins and minerals that help to allow your tattoo to heal to its fullest potential. A tattoo is basically an open wound that you need to keep clean. It's not as easy as just going to a parlor and having a tattoo done. There is a lot goes into proper maintenance to keep it looking as awesome as it does immediately after having it done. Making sure that your body is healthy to heal it from the inside out is important. That's where this comes in.

30 different vitamins and minerals are in each pill. It is gluten free, and 100% vegetarian. There is no extra sugar added. No artificial flavorings and absolutely no stimulants. 15 of the ingredients are 100% or more of the FDA's recommended daily intake. These are vitamins and minerals that are important to keep your body running in tip-top shape. Not only to help heal tattoos, but to heal any kind of wounds, really.

Ohhh, it sounds great! How do I use it?! Well, I'm glad you asked! It's really easy. According to their website, they recommend taking it for two weeks before getting your tattoo. This helps to even out any vitamin deficiencies you may have and to strengthen your immune system. You will be going into this tattoo with the ideal level of vitamins and minerals to help facilitate in optimal healing. All it takes is two pills a day. There are no specifications on whether they need to be taken at the same time, or if you can take one at a time over the course of the day. I preferred to err on the side of caution and take them at the same time.

Overall, I personally have not seen any difference in how my tattoos have healed with this, or without it. I certainly didn't feel any worse, no ill side effects. If anything, I noticed less swelling with bug bites or scratches. I will continue to use The Tattoo Pill when I am getting new tattoos, though.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

From 5 to 8 overnight

On Monday, October 7th, I was granted temporary custody of 3 more girls. G is 9, M is 4, and S is 3. How they came to be in my custody is a long, complicated story, but it's for the best. Given the options provided, this was the best place for them to be.

Unfortunately, it has put me in a hard place. I now have 6 children to care for instead of 3. We've been doing just fine for the past week, and I assume it will only get easier from here on out. But I am struggling to get G enrolled in school. Because I don't have court ordered custody, the school is telling me that they can't enroll her. They spoke with their lawyer to see if there was a way to enroll her, and he said that they need to contact Grandma (who has court ordered custody) first and ask her a few questions. It's been about a week now, and grandma still hasn't called the school to talk to the principal and lawyer. Without that, I can't get her in. I was able to speak to grandma today, and she assures me that she will call tomorrow morning. I am hoping that once she calls, the school will call me and tell me that G can start the next day.

There is a lot more to this story, but the details are rather hazy, and some don't quite make sense. All I can say for certain is, someone messed up big time, and I'm trying to clean up the mess. ACS, CPS, DSS, etc ... everyone is involved, and I may end up seeking court guidance for custody of them to ensure that they are safe and in a place where they are well taken care of. The alternative ... well, if something were to happen that I had the power to prevent, I would never be able to live with myself. So, I'll endure the hardship for a bit, to ensure that my family, immediate and extended, are safe and together.

I spent all day today running around to get some things together for them. Appointment with Child Support at the local Department of Social Services to locate their fathers and (hopefully) receive some sort of support from them. Then to a car seat check to get new car seats for them (free of charge, thank God), and then to WIC so that I could at least have some basics to keep them fed. It's not a lot, but keeping milk in the house is important now. Cereal has become a main staple as it's fast and easy, and just about everyone enjoys it. I am looking into other programs I can check into for additional help until we adjust to our new norm.

The girls' mother is up here as well for a few days with her youngest children, J is 17 months, and T is almost 4 months. The girls are ecstatic to have mom around, but I know they will be devastated when she needs to go back home. I enjoy having her around as well, since she clearly knows her girls better than I do. She and I go way back, and have always gotten along great. I'm thrilled to spend some time with her again. I am slowly gaining confidence in my abilities to become a mom to 6. Especially in having them so close together in age. The older girls are a great source of help, when they want to be. Seeing that they're 9 and 10, they get along great, and mostly keep to themselves. AJ and the 3 year old don't quite get along well, but I believe that's because they are much too similar. Both are hyper, loud, in-your-face type. I am hoping that they soon learn to get along, since this situation isn't going to change in the very near future. The 4 year old is a little singer. She loves to make up her own songs and dances all the time. If I had the extra funds, I would get her into dance class. Lord knows she would love it!

At this point in time, our biggest concern is making sure we have enough food in the house to feed everyone. I have a friend who has been very generous in getting some clothes for the girls and also some formula for baby T. There are still some things that we are in need of. G will need a backpack for school and school supplies for when she is FINALLY enrolled. Food is always a concern. The girls still need a bed of their own. Sheets, pillows, etc. I do have a Walmart Wish List set up, as I have been asked repeatedly if there was anything specific we need for them. If you would like to help, please feel free! Gift cards for groceries are always appreciated!!!

 All three girls- S on the left, G in the middle, M on the right

 The three toddlers while waiting at WIC

Girlies in their new carseats. (We were parked at the time of this picture)