Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When a problem arises ...

... sometimes the best course of action is to just step back and do nothing.

Recently, I found out who my real friends were and weeded out quite a few who weren't. Unfortunately, quite a bit of lies were told, and in a forum where I couldn't defend myself, so I was never able to say anything. It really had me seething, and I was so upset that I was shaking. I told another friend (not friends with the other girl) and she helped me calm down. Her best advice was to step back and just take a breather. And that's exactly what I did. I put the computer down, focused on the awesome parent that I am, and continued doing what I do best- being my awesome self.

I'll admit, a few of the things that were said hurt down deep. I stepped back and looked at everything that I may or may not have done to make someone think the things that were said, and I couldn't figure it out. I decided that I no longer care. My kids are happy and healthy. All 6 of them. Well taken care of. Our bellies are full, our backs are clothed, our heads have a roof over them, and there is plenty of ♥love♥ and affection to go around. 

So, after sitting back and thinking (too hard, admittedly) over everything, I just want to thank you. I don't second guess myself anymore. The doubts I had were put to rest. The fear I had was conquered. The stress I had was relieved. 

Or, maybe it was just the meds talking ;)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Glow stick bath!

The other day, Gianna was not feeling well at all. She had goopy eyes, and had a hard time settling down for sleep. We were nearing the 11:00 mark, and I remembered something a good friend of mine did with her daughter- a Glow Stick bath! It was the perfect thing to settle her, and to allow me to really clean her eyes off.

She had a blast in the tub! Only problem? She refused to come out even after the water went cold. I added more hot water and let her play for another 10 minutes.

Best part about it was the glow sticks were on clearance- $1 for 10 at Walmart. Lights off, glow sticks on, perfect combination!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Congratulations, my little soccer stars!

Dear Sofia,

I am so incredibly proud of you for sticking through Soccer this year. I understand it's hard to get into a new sport and have such enthusiasm for it, but you did fantastic! Sure, sometimes you ran from the ball, or pulled a Daria, but when you loosened up, you really participated. You've been hit in the face, in the gut, in the leg, and hardly cried about it. Seeing you get hit and not being able to run to you was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I knew you'd be alright. You sucked it up and kept on going.  You're a tough girl, after all.

I just want you to know how proud of you we are. I hope you enjoyed Soccer enough this year to want to continue for next year. I'm sure you'll do even better and maybe even make a goal! The important thing is, even though you asked me quite a few times to quit, you made the most of it and started to enjoy it. Grammy would be very proud to know you stuck with it.

We love you very much!!

Dear AJ,

I am also so proud of you for sticking with it as well!! You were amazing, and got right into it. You made a few goals, and more importantly, had a blast. You gave us all a laugh when you constantly told your coach you were hungry and asked if it was time to eat cheeseburgers.

You never once showed that you were afraid of the ball. You got right in there and kicked the ball away from your opponents, while still making sure you were as kind and gentle as could be. You didn't throw it in anyone's face when you took the ball from them or scored a goal. You enjoyed playing against your cousin Joey, even if you did spend a lot of time kicking the ground and talking to him.

Monday, November 4, 2013

**REVIEW** Little Keepsakes hand and foot prints kit

I was recently given a kit to take my baby's hand and foot prints to try out. I absolutely loved doing this with my daughter, though it wasn't the cleanest activity we've done!

The kit comes with 2 good sized sheets of ink for you to place your baby's hands and feet on, 4 cardboard like papers, wet wipes to remove the ink, and instructions on how to do it properly.

The ink came off easily using the wet wipes, and didn't leave any residue left behind. My daughter is 2, but the ink is also safe for newborns so I would have been comfortable using it on my cousins little boy if they were up here at the time of me using it.

Following the instructions, her hands and feet prints came out beautifully! Some parts aren't perfect, but they came out a lot better than I anticipated! I will be purchasing another kit in about a year so that we can keep track of her growth and development.

Purchase your own kit here on Amazon!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.